Evaporative Cooling Units
Airflow - 500 cfm to 60,000 cfm & Static Pressures -15 mm WG to 150 mm WG
Standard Unit Features
Extruded Aluminium Frame work
Double Skin of Galvanized Metal Sheet & 25+ 2mm PUF Insulated panels
GSS Base frame
Louvered Intake
50 mm thick Filters
Humidification Pad
Drift Eliminator
PVC Piping & Pump
Stainless Steel Sump
Forward/ Backward Curved Fans
Standard/ IE 2 Motor
View Window
Lighting inside the Unit
Services Switch.
Optional features
Double Skin of Galvanized Metal Sheet & 45/50+ 2mm PUF Insulated panels
5 / 3/ 2 micron Filtration
Plug Fans/ Std. Motors
IE 3 motors
Dampered Intake
Double Spray bank with Nozzles
4 to 8 RD Chilled Water/DX Coil
Controls and Instrumentation
Canopy for roof top installation.
Public Buildings, Office Building , Shopping Mall, Food Counts, Hospitality Industry, industrial Buildings, Entertainment Center, Poultry Farms, Green House, etc..